‘Ostrov Team’ Wins Slovak H2GP Final, Heads to California in September

‘Ostrov Team’ has won the 2024 Slovak H2GP Final race, completing 1499 laps over the course of the six-hour endurance race in the newest edition of the hydrogen education competition. The team’s ingenuity, perseverance, and ability to work as a team enabled them to edge out a victory against their nearest rival, Kysucki Strojnici by 41 laps.

“We’re delighted with another successful Slovak H2GP race, empowering this future generation to take the lead in the future hydrogen industry,” said Branislav Hlinka, H2GP Race Manager for Slovakia. “The skills these students learn are important – fuel cell engineering, hydrogen chemistry, an understanding of manufacturing and design – but equally important is the type of comradery, teamwork and sense of community programs like this development.”
“The growth in these students I’ve personally seen over the past year has been commendable, Mr. Hlinka continued. “This program has given these students a reason to love education”.

The Slovak H2GP race comes off the back of a busy season for the H2GP program. Races have taken place in Chicago, Los Angles, Fribourg (Switzerland), Marmande (France), with future events planned for Australia, Holland, Czech Republic, Bulgaria, Scotland, Singapore and Chile.
Full results of the competition can be found below: