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STEM & SEL Program for elementary and middle school students

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The HORIZON HYDROGEN DIY RACE introduces elementary and middle school students to basic science and engineering principles together with sustainability and renewable energy awareness. This program allows students to design & build their own fuel cell-powered vehicles using recycled materials.

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The H2DIY Race builds self-awareness, develops self-management skills and cultivates social awareness. Students also learn how to organize their time and prioritize tasks in order to meet a deadline, as they prepare to test their design in the competition and discover which design is able to travel the furthest.
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Through its broad spectrum and developed curriculum, the HORIZON HYDROGEN DIY RACE will easily fit in Chemistry, Physics, as well as Art or Ecology classes. Beyond the knowledge, students’ competencies will be effectively taught and developed through effective SEL principles. Finally, students are taught about renewable energy, why is it important and how to use recycled materials, so they can fully understand the importance of sustainability and the 3Rs: reduce-reuse-recycle
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Thanks to the hands-on experience, there are plenty of ways for budding talent to be engaged through play! A future designer might be most comfortable with sketching, whereas aspiring engineers will enjoy the manufacturing part of the car. Analytical students will enjoy the data collection and assessment which will be very valuable for future prototypes. No matter from what perspective they start, all of them will bring their piece of the puzzle while working in small groups, where they’ll learn how to communicate, coordinate and compromise to get the optimal solution.
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Educational Objective

The Horizon Hydrogen DIY RACE is a great opportunity for science experiments as it includes a curriculum that allows you to flexibly incorporate it into your class schedule. Whether you are interested in a single day of cool chemistry experiments, a one-week long science fair project, or a month of science experiments in renewable energy during regular classes, it is all possible with Horizon DIY RACE Science Program.


The Environment and Climate Change

  • World energy demand
  • Disadvantages of current energy technologies
  • Innovative green technologies
  • Vision of a hydrogen clean energy

Fuel Cells

  • History of fuel cells
  • Fuel cell applications
  • Types of fuel cells 
  • How do fuel cells work?


  • History of electrolyzers
  • Types of electrolyzers
  • Electrolyzer efficiency
  • Current hydrogen production
  • Opportunities for electrolyzers
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