Wind Energy Science Kit
With the Wind Energy Science Kit you can build a miniature power generation system that converts wind into electrical energy. Experiment with the pitch (angle setting) of turbine blades and find out the optimum number of blades for generating electricity. Nine blades, with three types of profiled blade based on NASA aeronautics and one type of poly-propylene sheet blade, provide the opportunity to find the perfect balance of wind resistance, weight and angle.

Wind Energy Science Kit - product overview
There are three types of profiled blades included in the Wind Energy kit. After you obtain the maximum output power with a particular blade type, you may replace with another type of profiled blade and evaluate it's performance in comparison.
With the included LED Module you can demonstrate the output power created by the Wind Kit and use this power to illuminate the LED lights on the Module. This LED Module is intended as a basic demonstration device. To perform much more detailed experiments and explore the full educational value of your Wind Kit we recommend purchasing the Horizon Renewable Energy Monitor (FCJJ-24). Use the device to measure how much voltage is being produced under your experimental conditions, and in combination with Horizon’s electrolyzers you can perform a multitude of experiments.
Arrange multiple Wind Kit turbines in series and parallel configurations in order to study the voltage, current, and power generated. Design a simulation of a commercial wind farm in model scale and learn the potential of wind power as a mass energy source.
Purchase additional Wind Energy Education Kits and Circult Board Module Base and red/black hookup leads needed to connect multiple turbines in series and parallel.
What is included in the horizon energy curriculum? The lab equipment is just the beginning. We’ve built the horizon energy curriculum to provide teachers with multiple resources for engaging their students.
Materials provided
- Hands-on Lab Activities
- Teacher's Guides
- Students's Guides
Concepts covered

Physics Concepts
Angular velocity, Classical Mechanics, Efficiency, Energy, Ohm's Law, Power (Electric), Rotational Mechanics

Earth Science Concepts
Renewable Energy
How to take your Wind Kit experimentation to the next level
Listed below are additional wind experiments that can be performed with the Wind Kit wind turbine uslng a multlmeter or with Horlzon's Renewable Energy Monitor Lab and your computer.
Using Different Blade Shapes Create Power
This experiment demonstrates how blades with different curvatures produce different degrees of power output. Wind turbine blades are shapad like airplane wings, and one size does not fit all requiremants. You will measure and undarstand how using the right blade shape can produce optimum power for different wind conditions.
How Many Bladas Are Best? 1, 2, 3, 4 ...
Using the right number of blades for a given wind condition is important in extracting the maximum electrical power from a wind turbine. You will measure and undersland the choices between the numbers of blades that are necessary to produce best results.
Adjusting Blade Pitch for Best Performance
Angling the blades into and away from the wind are important elements in creating maximum power- or slowing the speed of rotatlon. Thls experiment wlll show you the tachnlques for stalling and furling as well as adjusting tha blade pltch to extract the maximum degree of power from the wind.
How Much Power Can Be Extracted from the Wind
While power from the wind is free as long as it blows, it is still limited to certain physical laws. This experiment will show you how to measure wind speed versus extracted wind power.
Using Wind Power to Generate Hydrogen
One important use of wind power is to generate hydrogen in a clean, non-polluting manner. This experiment shows you exactly how to do it.
Measure Wind Turbine Performance Using RPM
Using our electronis measurement tool you can measure the voltage, current, power and RPM {revolutions par minute) rotational speed of the wind turbine and see it displayed on the measurement tool as well as your computer. Watch the RPM as it changes with wind speed and resistor loading and witness how to slow down and even stop the wind turbine spinning without even touching it - just by adding the right resistor combinations. Make measurernents for wind power and turbine efficiency to really undarstand how this remarkable device works.
Build a Wind Farm
Arrange multiple Wind Kit turbines in series and parallel configurations in order to study the voltage, current, and power generated. Design a simulation of a commercial wind farm in model scale and learn the potential of wind power as a mass energy source.
Kit Content
✔ Mini wind turbine (wind power generator)
✔ Kit for learning about wind power energy
✔ Blade pitch, blade profile and number of blades can
be evaluated
✔ Vane aligns the turbine automatically to the direction
of the wind
✔ Special 3 phase alternator for higher output power
✔ LED for output power demonstration
✔ Complete educational curriculum on wind energy